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5 Simple Tips to Overcome Presentation Anxiety

workplace learning Apr 08, 2021

Visualizing, practising, applying good breathing techniques, re-directing your nerves and imagining the worst that can happen are some tips to help you overcome anxiety before presentation.


1. Visualize

  • Before the speech: Envision yourself speaking with confidence at the venue 
  • During the speech: Scan for friendly faces among the audience to give you a confidence boost   


2. Practice makes perfect 

  • Practice speaking in front of a mirror and observe how you talk 
  • Practice speaking in front of a group of close friends who can give you honest feedback 
  • Practice rehearing answers to possible questions that the audience might pose to you   


3. Use good breathing techniques 

  • Practice diaphragmatic breathing. This is where your belly moves instead of your shoulder or chest. Stand at ease, and place your dominant hand on your belly, i.e., at the place that goes in and out most noticeably when you breathe.  That’s your diaphragmatic area.  When you get into the habit of diaphragm breathing, you will receive a constant supply of oxygen and this puts you in a calming mind 
  • Take slow and deep breaths to improve blood and oxygen flow to the brain


4. Imagine the worst case scenario. The worst thing that can happen is that if it fails, it will be the most awful speaking experience but you will gain insights into how you can work on improving your speaking skills. Things will get easier after that. 

5. Re-direct your nerves. Channel nervous energy to something productive such as walking around with purpose or making expressive gestures at the appropriate intervals.  

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