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Tips for Running Effective Teleconferences

workplace learning Jun 16, 2017

First Posted: April 8, 2021 

With more flexible working arrangements, many people working from home and in remote locations rely on teleconferences as an important tool to stay connected. Here are some tips to conduct teleconferences successfully: 

Plan your teleconference 

  1. Identify the purpose for meeting. Plan the agenda and list the items for discussion
  2. Schedule a time and date that works for everyone involved in the meeting 
  3. Identify the chairperson. He or she will be responsible for starting, stopping and running the teleconference 
  4. Distribute the agenda beforehand. This allows people to prepare and gather the necessary information for presentation 
  5. Share important resources in advance. If there are materials that require time to read, send them out to everyone beforehand

Chairing a teleconference: Dos and Don’ts 

  1. Stick to the agenda and stay on time 
  2. Ask everyone to introduce themselves as some participants may be new to the meeting 
  3. Take control and allow everyone to have a chance to speak 
  4. Take notes of what is being said and by whom 


  1. Introduce new items not listed on the agenda previously 
  2. Allow people to talk with one another in side conversations 
  3. Let an individual dominate the meeting

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