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Upskill Your Employees for a Digital Transformation

workplace learning Dec 16, 2018

Digital transformation.

It’s a trending phrase that has appeared on the agendas of boardrooms everywhere, but anxieties about how it works or what it means for the organisation are still crippling businesses into inaction with many struggling to even say what they are failing to do. The truth is that real digital transformation isn’t about getting your company to use a specific set of new technology . It is about your business’s ability to react and successfully utilise new technologies now and in the future. Are your employees worried about being replaced by younger “digital natives”? Or are they worried about their jobs being taken over by automation and machines?

In an increasingly digitalised world, having the right skills set is essential for the individual and company’s innovation and growth. A research found that 90% of companies realised that they lack the necessary digital skills and only 46% are investing in developing them.

How can companies narrow the digital skills gap in their organisation?

Invest in digital mastery

Did you know that 67% of a consumer’s journey is completed online before they ever get in touch with a sales representative? This is partly attributed to the rise of social media and ready access to information at the touch of a smartphone. Not only has your competitors become technologically aware, your customers are too. It has become a necessity for businesses to equip their employees with digital mastery skills to better serve their customers. Digital mastery training can educate employees on the various tools and platforms to reach out to customers, nurture relationships and deliver better experiences for long term sustainability. Your employees will become more motivated, your company will develop a competitive edge over others and boost revenue growth. Improving the skills and knowledge of employees to a standardised level of expertise will ensure that everyone understands the challenges facing the organisation and step up to the needs of the digital economy.

Embed a learning mindset

To avoid becoming obsolete, we must continue to learn and not just in a classroom or formal learning settings. Many companies are striving to become learning organisations to stay current in their industry. A learning organisation is one where employees have opportunities to perform, where managers support training activities and fosters a work environment conducive for learning. One way to start is to formalise training and development plans. If plans are not formalised, they run the risk of not being taken seriously. Employees who have successfully been trained should be given recognition so everyone will follow suit to regard learning as a priority. Regular feedback and polls should be undertaken to gauge the effectiveness and benefits of training programs and ensure returns on investment. Leaders should also encourage employees to stay on top of innovation trends and promote knowledge sharing within the organisation.

Adopt bite-sized learning

Today we are drowning in a vast sea of information. Based on a recent study, an adult’s attention span begins to fade after 10 minutes. Technology and the demands of the multitasking workplace have certainly reduced our ability to remain focused for long periods of time. This means that traditional  corporate training is being rendered ineffective to cater to the needs of modern learners. There is too much information to learn at a single setting and is neither meaningful nor engaging for learners. This is why bite-sized learning is slowly gaining popularity. Bite-sized learning enables small chunks of information to be accessed with the help of a mobile device, anytime and anywhere. It is more suited to the lifestyle and demands of learners who search for information at the point of need. For many companies, bite-sized learning has benefitted them with reduced costs (doing away with venue hire, trainer fees, etc) through minimal input. Learning is made more effective as content is carefully curated to ensure it fits into their learning requirements and learners are motivated to consume short and practical skills crucial for their work.

Promote collaboration

Silo mentality is a mindset that occurs in many organisations. It occurs when several departments or groups within a business do not want to share knowledge or information with other individuals within the organisation. Whether it is teams or individuals working in isolation, working in silos can limit productivity and innovation in businesses. The digital age is transforming the way we think, communicate and work at all levels. Not only do we need to master the technical skills to perform better at work, we have to acquire soft skills and behavioural skills to interact with others. There is a need to make information available and exchange anytime and anywhere. Sharing improves decision making and helps organisations to progress. Promoting collaboration will increase communication, well-being and the workflow of teams. Online collaboration platforms such as virtual conferences has had the ability to connect employees from remote locations, update everyone on their progress and  be updated on company happenings. Collaborating with others also help employees see how each department is inter-related and understand how their work relates to a larger organisational goal. It will be a key contributor to workplace success in the new digital era.

We train your team and leadership with the relevant skills to get your business ready for the digital age.

Contact us today to find out more about our digital transformation courses!


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